Both gasoline and diesel engines have to comply to European legislation with regards to the output of harmful substances.
These demands increase all the time. According to clear agreements about what is allowed with regard to exhaust gases, engines have a qualifying marker. This leads to indications like Stage 4, Stage 3b, Euro 5, Euro 6, Tier 4 final etcetera. For the unacquainted a labyrinth of terminology, also because the allowed output for black carbon, hydrocarbons (HC), CO and NOx per Stage or Euro-classification depends on the power of the engine. Stage is applicable for machines in the field of building, agricultural machines and tractors. Euro applies to road traffic and Tier is the American counterpart comparable with the European Stage formulation.
Most important European demands regarding Stage V engines:
– reduction of black carbon in g/kWh and limitation of the number of carbon particles.
– there is no flexibility in the timeline for passing to Stage V
– Stage V is applicable for all non-road mobile installations including riverboats and locomotives, exceptions are ATEX engines and mobile installations for defense purposes.
Technical changes Stage V engines (as compared to Stage IV)
– inevitable appliance of black carbon filters on engines between 19 and 560 kW
– Use only Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel fuel
– NOx measurement with alarms and signal for SCR and EGR
– Black carbon measurement with alarms and failure log on filtration
From 2019 engines who produce too much harmful substances cannot be sold any longer. An OEM has a maximum of 18 months to build engines on stock and produced prior to the starting date of Stage 5 in their machines.
These so-called transition engines must conform to the prior emission phase.
Genmark is the only manufacturer of gensets who is prepared since 2019 for this new legislation coming into force from 1st of January 2021 with regard to Stage 5/ Euro 6.
As Genmark has it’s sole focus on manufacturing gensets, and works in close collaboration with top players as supplier, all our 5-series conform the CO2 ruling on Stage 5 effective, as said before, from 1st of January 2021.
The combination of our Yanmar OEM engines, and the RFL generator which was co-developed by Genmark, generates sufficient power for any available reefer in the market. Even while our engine remains under 19kW.
At the end of 2019 we started to produce with the latest Stage 5 engines, making us way ahead of the latest developments.
We deem these developments extremely important for the environment, more over because of the fact that our engines are often used inside city-centres.